The Jordan National Center for Human Rights (JNCHR) Report
on the list of issues prior to reporting ( LOIPR ) in connetion with the cosidertation of
the Third Periodic Report of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan1, that was adopted by
the Committee against Torture at its Foutry Nine Session (29 Oct – 23 Nov2012)
The Jordan National Centre for Human Rights (JNCHR) hereby submits to your esteemed
Committee its response on the (LOIPR) to be taken up in connection with the consideration
of the Third Periodic Report of the Hashemite Kingdome of Jordan, which was adopted by
the Committee at its forty-ninth Session (29 Oct – 23 Nov 2012), in pursuance of the legal
powers granted to the Center under its Law No. (51) for the year 2006, which gives it the
competence to monitor, protect, and verify respect for human rights in the Kingdom, to
address any abuses or violations, and follow up the adoption of the necessary measures to
this end, including their settlement or referring them to the competent Executive,
Legislative or the Judicial authority to halt them and eliminate their effects, ensure the
dissemination of the culture of human rights and monitors its situation, in addition to
providing legal advice or legal aid to people who could otherwise not afford it.
Pursuant to the legal powers vested in the Centre under Article 10 of its Law no. 51 for the
year (2006) that enable it to visit correctional and rehabilitation centers (CRCs), detention
center, juveniles detention facilities in accordance with the due procedures, and visit any
public place reported to be the venue of present or past human rights violations; the Centre
was keen to visit those places and on an ongoing basis through the implementation of
announced visits until the year 2009, when the Center started to conduct unannounced ones
(preventive/ proactive) to all places of civil detention following the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Public Security Directorate (PSD) on the 17th of
April, 2009, whereby the Center became able to conduct regular and unannounced visits to
all the civil places of detention. It is relevant to note in this connection that, during the
The Committee against Torture adopted the LOIPR, in accordance with the new optional reporting
procedure, that was adopted at its thirty-eighth session held in May 2007, which consists of the
preparation and adoption of lists of issues, known as lists of issues prior to reporting (LOIPRs), to be
transmitted to States parties prior to the submission of their respective periodic report. The State party's
reply to the LOIPR will constitute its report under article 19 of the Convention.